key pointers when recruiting in volume

Recruiting in volume at a front line level needn't be complicated if the basics are done correctly.

Speed – this is vital to a process, the market is a transient one with candidates often being invited to a number of assessments and interviews – you snooze you loose

The path of least resistance – while making the process far too easy doesn’t do wonders for the outcome, making it over complicated, time-consuming and lengthy, at this level, damages the candidate experience and therefore the success irrevocably.

Communication and create buy-in – prospective employees will only wish to attend your interview or assessments if you have invested in ensuring they feel bought into the process. An online application from the candidate followed by an impersonal, electronic interview booking will undoubtedly lead to a ‘no show’.

It’s a mutual decision – of course prospective candidates who come to interview need to perform and show you their best side, however, do remember it’s a 2 way street, you need to capture their interest and give them a reason to buy into your company, the managers and the role – let’s be honest, while Contact Centre work can be rewarding, enjoyable and can lead to a fantastic career, there are more interesting, varied and exciting posts out there and no matter what the organisation believes, it’s very rare there is a huge queue of people just waiting to join your organisation.

constantly on the hunt for the best candidates