Top tips to show off your skills during an interview

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Top tips to show off your skills during an interview

You can plan and plan as best you can, but there’s no way of knowing which questions will be thrown at you during your interview. You can, however, take onus over these elements, to increase your odds of landing that management-level job you’re after.

Be motivational

Motivating the troops comes part and parcel with being a call centre manager, and let’s be honest, there’s nothing motivating about someone who comes across as lackluster, monotone, and disengaged.

Put your personality across and show the interviewers that you’re genuinely passionate about what you do, and let that enthusiasm ooze out.

Arm yourself with examples

Spend some time ahead of the interview to think about a range of examples that show off your skills in different settings. This’ll ensure they’re ready to roll off your tongue at any given point, and prevent that un-ensuring “ummm” as you desperately try to dig some out on the spot.

Don’t fall into the trap of only talking about positive examples though. Life in a call centre isn’t always plain sailing - and your interviewers know that all too well, so make sure you demonstrate how you can turn negatives into positives, too.

Confidence is key

There’s a difference between being confident and cocky. It’s important to get the right balance between believing in your experience and skills and illustrating that you’re a people’s person, and just going outright overboard.

As a manager, it’s all about teamwork. It’s not about the ‘you, you, you’, it’s about what you can get out of your team. So, take this approach with your responses. Instead of just raving about your personal results, refer to how your actions helped your team, and what that in turn did for the business.

Tailor your responses

Every call centre’s different. That’s a given. Although it might not be achievable for every question or scenario, try to mirror your answers to the working environment you’re interviewing to be in.

For example, if it’s an outbound call centre, draw on experiences from a similar setting. Or if it’s a heavily regulated industry - like financial services, for example, speak about other strictly governed industries you’ve worked in. The more relevant your references, the more transferable your skills will be deemed to be.

The absolute basics

Now these should apply for whatever level job you’re interviewing for, and we’d hope they’re practices you’re already abiding by, but we didn’t want to miss them out altogether.

Make sure you’re on time (and by on time, we mean early) and dress the part, and print out your CV, the job description and any questions you’d like to ask the interviewers. The latter three will go a long way in demonstrating your due diligence, research, and eagerness, which can only earn metaphorical ticks next to your name.

If you’re currently on the lookout for your next management-level opportunity but haven’t quite found what you’re after, then head over to our vacancies page - we’re constantly updating it with new and exciting opportunities.