Another volume project completed by Cactus Frontline



Another volume project completed by Cactus Frontline

To set the scene: How do you go about recruiting 35 frontline Contact Centre associates (both day and night shifts), 1 Operations Manager, 1 Planning Specialist, 5 Team Leaders and a Trainer for an organisation who have no UK brand, no internal HR or recruitment function, not even any premises and not forgetting to mention the Frontline associates needed to have betting and gambling experience and all were required to start within 3 months………. What can we say, it’s been emotional!!

To set the scene:

How do you go about recruiting 35 frontline Contact Centre associates (both day and night shifts), 1 Operations Manager, 1 Planning Specialist, 5 Team Leaders and a Trainer for an organisation who have no UK brand, no internal HR or recruitment function, not even any premises and not forgetting to mention the Frontline associates needed to have betting and gambling experience and all were required to start within 3 months………. What can we say, it’s been emotional!!

Sunbets which is a JV between Tabcorp and News Corporation (who own the Sun newspaper) approached Cactus Frontline to provide full campaign support for the setup of their Contact Centre operation.

The Cactus Frontline team made the relevant project plans and commenced on what was a rapid campaign setup and attraction strategy.

The campaign delivered over 1,500 applications and the team conducted over 420 hours of telephone interviews inviting 60 to assessment. Usually you’d expect a fairly high no show or drop out to assessment invites, however, due to the speed in which Cactus Frontline were able to mobilise, arrange the assessments and their hard work in ensuring each candidate was bought into the process and the role a whopping 87% attended.

The assessment itself was planned, prepared and facilitated by Cactus Frontline with meticulous detail which resulted in 85% of those attending being offered and of those offers 95% were accepted.

Frontline volume resourcing does not have to be a difficult and painful process if it’s planned for properly, there are a number of key points to focus on when planning:

  • Speed – this is vital to a process, the market is a transient one with candidates often being invited to a number of assessments and interviews – you snooze you loose
  • The path of least resistance – while making the process far too easy doesn’t do wonders for the process, making it over complicated, time-consuming and lengthy, at this level, damages the process irrevocably.
  • Communication – prospective employees will only wish to attend your interview or assessments if you have invested in ensuring they feel bought into the process. An online application from the candidate followed by an impersonal, electronic interview booking will undoubtedly lead to a ‘no show’.
  • It’s a mutual decision – of course prospective candidates who come to interview need to perform and show you their best side, however, do remember it’s a 2 way decision, you need to capture their interest and give them a reason to buy into your company, the managers and the role – lets be honest, there are more interesting, varied and exciting posts out there than working in a Contact Centre and no matter what the organisation believes, it’s very rare there is a huge queue of people just waiting to join your organisation!

The sister company to Cactus Search, one of the UK’s leading Management, Leadership and Exec Contact Centre Recruiters, Cactus Frontline have an unrivalled record of success in Contact Centre Volume resourcing and have worked in partnership with many of the largest UK organisations, offering advice, guidance and support to their resourcing processes.

constantly on the hunt for the best candidates