Guy Masters

Managing Director

Cactus Search

Guy Masters


So this is me; I fell into Customer Contact recruitment (how else would it happen!) at the ripe old age of 21. A super learning curve in a fun and exciting company which provided me with many experiences and taught me a a great deal.


Moving on from there corporate life had it’s advantages and provided me with an insight into how large corporations work, however, the itch of having my own business was too much and Cactus seemed like a natural progression - having been asked many times over the years where the name ‘Cactus’ came from, we can confirm it was the result of a good old brainstorming in a bar!. I've been fortunate enough to have made some fantastic friends and have had the pleasure to work with a diverse set of companies and individuals, not to mention some candidates whom I have been fortunate enough to represent a number of times, helping them on their journey.

The team here at Cactus are everything you'd want, professional yet know how to have fun, knowledgeable yet know we are all still learning and my ‘work family’ genuinely make my working life so much more enjoyable.